Field Trips

Ballard Nature Center offers educational field trips for all grade levels. There is a $3 fee per student and a field trip typically lasts around 2 hours.  While visiting the center, students are encouraged to be “scientists,” to make observations, to ask questions, and to assist in deducing an answer. Subject matter covered during a field trip is developed for the grade level. First graders often learn about pond life while third grade activities might revolve around food chains.  Pavilions are available for picnics.

Students are given the opportunity to explore nature through multidisciplinary activities. Outdoor learning includes naturalist-led trail walks. Along the walk, students might participate in a scavenger hunt or a colors-of-nature hunt.  Indoor nature studies include exhibit room exploration and learning activities such as habitat stamping, insect sorting, or leaf printing.

Naturalist in the Classroom

During the winter months, schools (within a 15-mile radius) can arrange to have a naturalist visit the classroom and give a presentation on a large variety of topics. This is a great option for schools whose budget does not allow them to travel to the nature center. Some popular topics include, “Batty for Bats,” “Whoo Knows Owls,” and “Terrific Trees”. These programs engage students with games and activities and include lots of visual aids, like mammal pelts, taxidermy mounts, skeletons, posters, etc.

Education Loan Kits

Ballard Nature Center is a distribution site for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ loan kits. The nature center also maintains some loan kits of its own. Topics of the kits available for loan to teachers, both formal and non-formal, are Illinois Trees, Illinois Birds, State Symbols of Illinois, Aquatic Illinois, People & Animals from Illinois’ Past, and Illinois Prairies. Filled with books, videos, CD’s, models, activity instructions and more, these kits are an excellent resource for teachers who wish to augment their science lessons. Kits must be picked-up and returned at the center.

Homeschool Program

A monthly 1 & 1/2-hour homeschool program offers families a chance to learn and explore in nature with our educators. The classes run from September through March (excluding December).  They are designed primarily for ages 5-10.   $30 per child for 6 classes.