“I started with surprise and delight. I was in the midst of a prairie. A world of grass and flowers stretched around me, rising and falling
in gentle undulations, …” wrote Eliza Steele in 1840. Truly cataclysmic changes in the natural communities which once characterized
the landscape of Illinois took place in a very short span of time due to human activity. Consider the demise of the tallgrass prairies
that once stretched across millions of acres of America’s heartland just 170 years ago. Acres and acres of the pre-settlement prairies
of Illinois have been converted to agricultural fields and urban developments. Yet, we human beings have begun to realize the loss.
Thus, Ballard Nature Center’s goal of restoring and managing natural communities (not just prairies but also savannas and forests
and wetlands) is a truly significant and urgent one, which is being achieved at the center through scientific research, careful planning,
collaborative efforts, and meticulous work

Natural communities, having been restored and being managed at the center:

Constructed shelters for wildlife: